Your pick: World's 50 best foods

Goi cuon50. Little packages of delightful best food freshness.

50. Goi cuon, Vietnam 

This snack made from pork, shrimp, herbs, rice vermicelli and other ingredients wrapped in rice paper is served at room temperature. It’s “meat light,” with the flavors of refreshing herbs erupting in your mouth.
Dipped in a slightly sweet sauce laced with ground peanuts, it’s wholesome, easy and the very definition of “moreish.”
lechon49. Great tan, better taste.

49. Lechon, Philippines 

Young pigs, chosen for their tender meat, are rotated and roasted thoroughly over a fire pit for hours. The result is a thin layer of crispy skin on juicy, succulent meat. Every mouthful makes you wonder why you eat anything else.
Great way to kick off this list.
Also on CNNGo: The making of Bali's incredible pig roast
maple syrup46. Canada's best food.

48. Parma ham, Italy 

Possibly the most versatile and best food of all. You see it folded around melon, wrapped around grissini, placed over pizza, heaped over salad.
There’s good reason for that: these salty, paper-thin slices of air-dried ham lift the taste of everything they accompany to a higher level, following the same theory as the Italian guy who thinks carrying around a copy of “Candide” makes up for the tiny Speedos.
Also on CNNGo: 11 artery-clogging and delicious Vietnamese dishes
Roti prata45. A flippin' great dish.

47. Fettucini alfredo, Italy 

Saying no to fettucini alfredo is like turning down Monica Bellucci. It's just wrong.
The main ingredients are butter and Parmesan cheese; it's rich and creamy and it can be made in 15 minutes (consumption time included). A good serving of this can turn dinner with the family into something you actually look forward to.
Hamburger42. Yes I love you. Now gimme a bite.

46. Maple syrup, Canada 

With poutine and Montreal-style smoked meat not making the top 50, maple syrup becomes the sole Canadian representative in the list. But before selling you on its natural flavor and balanced sweetness, we must give credit to its mentor, the waffle, playing Batman to maple syrup's edgier, sexier Robin.
bibimbap40. See, healthy food can taste good.

45. Roti prata, Singapore 

The truth is curry wouldn't be curry if it wasn't for this dough-based pancake.
Looks and tastes like Indian naanroti prata is flipped and turned and flipped again before it's heated over a grill plate. Its preparation is so theatrical you'll feel like dancing a jig while you're eating it.

44. Laksa, Singapore 

Whether it originates in Singapore, Malaysia or Indonesia as reader Bob Haris Mandela claimed, an authentic bowl of laksa always comes with slippery vermicelli, a spicy broth (the spicier the better), generous toppings of shredded chicken and fresh prawns.
One whiff of its pungent curry-coconut aroma and you'll be transported to all three countries. Best way to travel ever.
Also on CNNGo: 40 delicious Singapore foods
Masala Dosa39. Breakfast for one billion people.

43. Fajitas, Mexico 

This assembly kit of a dining experience is a thrill to DIY enthusiasts everywhere.
Step 1: Behold the meat sizzling on a fiery griddle. Step 2: Along with the meat, throw side servings of capsicum, onion, guacamole, sour cream and salsa into a warm, flour tortilla. Step 3: Promise all within hearing range that you’ll have “just one more.” Step 4: Repeat.
molten chocolate38. The dessert you can use to compare all the world's restaurants.

42. Hamburger, Germany 

When something tastes so good that people spend US$20 billion each year in a single restaurant chain devoted to it, you know it has to fit into this list. McDonald’s may not offer the best burgers, but that’s the point -- it doesn’t have to.
The bread-meat-salad combination is so good that entire countries have ravaged their eco-systems just to produce more cows. A global best food contender.

41. Galbi, Korea 

"Yeah, I would have thrown Kalbi Jim or something similar on there," wrote reader Nobody. "Some Korean dishes are savagely good." 
We could forgive Nobody for opening 222 Facebook accounts to put Galbi in the list. But we're pretty sure the balance of sweet and savory in Korean short ribs means there's no underhand vote-rigging required.
Also on CNNGo: Best 7 restaurants for the Seoul herbivore
potato chips37. The world's cheapest delicacy?

40. Bibimbap, Korea 

Mixed vegetables and beef, sitting atop steaming-hot rice, held together by a half-raw egg. The beauty of this Korean dish lies at least partially in the diner's DIY mixing of the ingredients.
Bibambap is best when served in a heated stone bowl, and eaten with metal chopsticks.

39. Masala dosa, India 

A crispy, rice-batter crepe encases a spicy mix of mashed potato, which is then dipped in coconut chutney, pickles, tomato-and-lentil-based sauces and other condiments. It’s a fantastic breakfast food that’ll keep you going till lunch, when you’ll probably come back for another.
Also on CNNGo: 40 delicious Mumbai foods
shrimp dumpling in hong kong34. Small but brilliant.

38. Warm brownie and vanilla ice cream, Global 

There are some diners who will not frequent an establishment if it does not have brownie and ice cream on the dessert menu. You may call them fools.
We do, too, but having done so we then happily leave the first restaurant after the main course to visit one we know has this perfect dessert on offer.
lobster32. If you were on a million menus you'd have big claws too.

37. Potato chips, United States 

Despite major criticisms suggesting that potato chips aren't real food, voters like Deepti Ravi believe that they "rock."
What started as a chef's trick on a fussy diner is now one of the world’s most child-friendly foods. But think of them this way -- if a single chip cost, say, US$5, it’d be a far greater (and more popular) delicacy than caviar, a prize worth fighting wars over.
fried chicken31. Clucking great.

36. Moo nam tok, Thailand 

Grilled pork combined with lemon juice, green onions, chili, mint sprigs, fish sauce and toasted rice. Legend has it the blood from the meat along with the dressing inspired some happy carnivore to name this brilliant dish “waterfall (nam tok moo) meat.”

35. Neapolitan pizza, Italy 

The best pizza was and still is the simple Neapolitan, an invention now protected by its own trade association that insists on sea salt, high-grade wheat flour, the use of only three types of fresh tomatoes, hand-rolled dough and the strict use of a wood-fired oven, among other quality stipulations.
With just a few ingredients -- dough, tomatoes, olive oil, salt and basil (the marinara pizza does not even contain cheese) -- the Neapolitans created a best food that few make properly, but everyone enjoys thoroughly.

34. Shrimp dumpling, Hong Kong 

Succulent shrimps, steamed well but not overdone, wrapped inside translucent rice paper. This simple form of dim sum has been a must-eat dish for decades.
Also on CNNGo: 40 delicious Hong Kong foods
Words on the street say the more pleat folds there are the more skillful the chef is.

33. Seafood paella, Spain 

The sea is lapping the shore by your feet, a warm breeze whips the tablecloth around your legs and a steamy pan of paella sits in front of you. Shrimp, lobster, mussels and cuttlefish combine with white rice and various herbs, oil and salt in this Valencian dish to send you immediately into holiday mode.
Though if you have it in Spain, you’re probably there already.

32. Lobster, Global 

Forget all your fancy, contrived lobster dishes deployed by showoff chefs eager for Michelin endorsement. When you have something as naturally delicious as these little fellas, keep it simple. The best way to enjoy lobster is simply to boil it and serve with a side of melted butter and slice of lemon.

31. Fried chicken, United States 

"I have had almost everything. But they left off fried chicken... " reader Michelle Souza commented.
Michelle: your fellow readers have made up for this unforgivable lapse. This all-time American favorite makes its entry with all the artery-choking goodness that made Colonel Sanders a very happy, if not healthy, man.
BBQ pork28. The best pork comes barbecued and honey-drizzled.

30. Cheeseburger, United States 

The power of cheese? Add it to an ordinary hamburger, the food gets pushed up 13 spots in the poll. 
Penang Assam Laksa26. As photogenic as the best food gets.

29. Chili crab, Singapore 

Reader ST suggested that chili crabs, contrary to popular beliefs, aren't difficult to make. "Fantastic list of delicious food! Chilli Crabs are actually very easy to prepare. Here is an easy recipe for you :)"
ST forgot to mention, however, that it is difficult to stop eating this high-ranking best food.
Also on CNNGo: Food fight! Malaysia wants its 'unique' dishes back
bulgogi23. The messiest, meatiest food for champions.

28. Barbecue pork, Hong Kong 

Along with many comments left by reader Louis4, s/he wrote, "TX bbq tastes like turds. Is that all you have beside that boring food?"
Here you go, Louis4. Your fellow readers suggested the Chinese version of barbecue pork. This honey-coated meat is sweet, tender and it goes well with everything -- rice, noodles or even by itself.
Ask for the half-fat, half-lean barbecue pork to really indulge in this delicacy.
egg tart22. Egg on your face can be a good thing.

27. Tacos, Mexico 

A fresh, handmade tortilla stuffed with small chunks of grilled beef rubbed in oil and sea salt then covered with guacamole, salsa, onions, cilantro or anything else you want -- perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This is the reason few visitors leave Mexico weighing less than when they arrived.
Fish and chips21. A salty, vinegary homage to the basics.

26. Penang assam laksa, Malaysia 

Poached, flaked mackerel, tamarind, chili, mint, lemongrass, onion, pineapple … one of Malaysia’s most popular dishes is an addictive spicy-sour fish broth with noodles (especially great when fused with ginger), that’ll have your nose running before the spoon even hits your lips.

25. Chocolate, Mexico 

The Mayans drank it, Lasse Hallström made a film about it and the rest of us get over the guilt of eating too much of it by eating more of it. The story of the humble cacao bean is a bona fide out-of-the-jungle, into-civilization tale of culinary wonder.
Without this creamy, bitter-sweet confection, Valentine’s Day would be all cards and flowers, Easter would turn back into another dull religious event and those halcyon days of gorging yourself to eruption point at Christmas would be fanciful imaginings.
pho20. Vietnam's answer to "What should I eat today?"

24. Fried rice, Thailand 

It's true, anyone can fry rice. But can you fry it as well as the Thais? We suspect not.
Also on CNNGo: 40 delicious Thai foods

23. Bulgogi, Korea 

Literally meaning "fire" and "meat," this Korean dish has been in existence for nearly 1,000 years.
A bowl of bulgogi gives everything you need in a balanced diet -- carbohydrate (rice), protein (beef and egg), vitamins and minerals (mixed vegetables), and fat (oil). Four good reasons to order a second bowl.
Also on CNNGo: Buldak: South Korea's torturous but irresistible dish
Green curry19. It's easy eating green.

22. Egg tart, Hong Kong 

Flaky on the crust with a sweet and smooth egg custard in the middle, egg tarts are best eaten hot when they're fresh out of an oven. This dessert can be ordered in the most rundown bakeries and most glamorous hotels in Hong Kong.
Former Governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten, declared eating egg tarts one of his favorite pastimes in the city.
Also on CNNGo: Behind the scenes of Hong Kong's most loved egg tart bakery
Gelato17. So many flavors to choose. Why bother?

21. Fish 'n' chips, England 

Anything that’s been around since the 1860s can’t be doing much wrong. The staple of the Victorian British working class is a crunchy-outside, soft-inside dish of simple, un-adorned food fundamentals.
Sprinkled with salt, vinegar and dollops of tartar sauce, it is to nouveau cuisine what Meat Loaf is to Prince (or whatever he's calling himself now).

20. Pho, Vietnam 

This oft-mispronounced national dish (“fuh” is correct) is just broth, fresh rice noodles, a few herbs and usually chicken or beef. But it’s greater than the sum of its parts -- fragrant, tasty and balanced, the polar opposite of the moto rider who brought you to the little café where you find the best stuff.

19. Green curry, Thailand 

Kermit got it wrong. It's not hard being green, it's delicious. For many this coconutty-creamy and spicy curry should have made the top 10. Goes with steamed rice like bikinis go with Thai beaches.
Satay14. Stick it, soak it, eat it, lick it.

18. Croissant, France 

Flaky pastry smothered in butter, a pile of raspberry jam smeared over the top and a soft, giving bite as you sink in your teeth; there’s nothing not to love about this fatty, sweet breakfast food that must be married to a cup of strong coffee.
kimchi12. How much money have Korean restaurants lost out on by giving this away for free?

17. Gelato, Italy 

Thanks to "Eat, Pray, Love," the best dessert in Italy is now more popular than ever. True gelato makers use only fresh ingredients and no artificial flavors or colors, and allow you to mix and match as many different flavors as you want.
With a higher density and less fat than ice cream, gelato often tastes richer but healthier -- perfect for your own "no-carb-left-behind" experiment.
lasagna11. Lasagna is right on so many levels.

16. Kebab, Turkey 

For keeping starvation at bay for the entire student population of the United Kingdom, the doner kebab should clearly be honored. But they are hardly the delicious prototype worthy of representing a region.
Reader Elena Vorobyeva told us, "There are so many forms and shapes of it: doner, iskender kebab, shish kebab, chop shish kebab, orman kebab, etc."
So summon the shish kebab. Pick your meat, shove a stick through it, grill. Then wonder why you don’t eat like this every day.

15. Ice cream, United States 

Somehow there’s always room for a tooth-rotting, U.S.-style pile of ice cream with nuts, marshmallows and chocolate sauce.
Thank God for extra long spoons that allow you get at the real weight-gain stuff all mixed up and melted at the bottom of the glass. Other than a dietician, who wouldn't agree this is one of the best foods in the world?
Also on CNNGo: Best cold treats in Hong Kong

14. Satay, Indonesia 

Reader Paul Peh wrote, "I can make satay too but the prep will take at least half the day and [the eating will be done] in less than half hr. lol."
Half an hour? What's the hold up? Last time we drowned some skewered meat with this peanut-based sauce we were ready for seconds before you could say "mmmm".

13. Chicken rice, Singapore 

Often called the “national dish” of Singapore, this steamed or boiled chicken is served atop fragrant oily rice, with sliced cucumber as the token vegetable. Variants include roasted chicken or soy sauce chicken.
The dipping sauces -- premium dark soy sauce, chili with garlic and pounded ginger -- give it that little extra oomph to ensure whenever you’re not actually in Singapore eating chicken rice, you’re thinking of it.

12. Kimchi, Korea 

Is Korea the most generous nation or what? Korean restaurants provide this starter dish of fermented vegetables for free. Perhaps because few Koreans can last more than two days without it.

11. Lasagna, Italy 

Lasagna overtook pizza to become the most sought-after Italian food in this delicacy list. There’s a reason this pasta-layered, tomato-sauce-infused, minced-meaty gift to kids and adults alike is so popular -- it just works.
Dee Dodge wrote, "I love Lasagna." The lack of exclamation marks tells you how seriously true fans take this dish.
Massaman curry10. Still a top 10 best foods entry.

10. Massaman curry, Thailand 

Although not the world's most delicious food, it is still emphatically the king of curries. Spicy, coconutty, sweet and savory, its combination of flavors has more personality than a Thai election.
Even the packet sauce you buy from the supermarket can make the most delinquent of cooks look like a Michelin potential. Thankfully, someone invented rice, with which diners can mop up the last drizzles of curry sauce.
Ramen8. World's loudest food?
“The Land of Smiles” isn’t just a marketing tag-line. It’s a result of being born in a land where the best curry is sold on nearly every street corner.

9. Peking duck, China 

"Peking duck! its a wonder....." wrote Shan Cao on our Facebook page.
We can only guess Shan Cao was in the middle of forking a piece of this maltose-syrup glazed duck dish into his/her mouth and forgot to finish the sentence. Slow-roasted in an oven, the crispy, syrup-coated skin is so good that authentic eateries will serve more skin than meat, and bring it with pancakes, onions and hoisin or sweet bean sauce.
Other than flying or floating, this is the only way you want your duck.
dim sum in hong kong7. Family lunches are fun again.

8. Ramen, Japan 

Japanese protocol says the tastier your ramen is, the louder you should slurp it up to show respect to your chef. Not that they need more respect. One mouthful of this most Japanese of noodle broths will quickly tell you that either you have a ramen trigger in your brain, or Japanese chefs are geniuses.
Also on CNNGo: 40 delicious Japanese foods

7. Dim sum, Hong Kong 

Equally fun and delicious to eat, a trip to Hong Kong isn't complete without trying this traditional Cantonese lunch food. Popular with everyone from pass-through tourists to local kids and the elderly, most dim sum come in bite-size pieces so you don't have to waste time cutting the stuff up.
Bring a few friends and wash the food down with the free-flow tea.
pad thai5. Even better when it's messy.

6. Som tam (Papaya salad), Thailand 

After reading reader Kun Chotpakdeetrakul's comment, "Papaya salad and som tam [are] the same thing. You should combine vote for these two together," we did just that, pushing som tam to just 80 votes shy of the top five.
To prepare Thailand's iconic salad, pound garlic and chilies with a mortar and pestle. Toss in tamarind juice, fish sauce, peanuts, dried shrimp, tomatoes, lime juice, sugar cane paste, string beans and a handful of grated green papaya.
Also on CNNGo: Everything you need to know about som tam -- including where to find it
tom yum goong4. Do you eat or drink soup? Either way just get it inside you.

5. Pad thai, Thailand 

Here's a food Thai people can't live without.
Similar to Bulgogi (see #22), pad Thai is packed with nutrients stirred into one glorious fried-noodle dish.
The secret's in the sauce -- tamarind paste. If anyone ever creates a Hall of Food Fame, that should be first on the list.
sushi3. Rice, salmon, wasabi -- world's best food trio?

4. Tom yam goong, Thailand 

Reader Supot Sakulwongtana made it clear that "delicious includes a little bit hot." A little bit hot is right because you need room for a load more flavors too.
This Thai masterpiece teems with shrimp, mushrooms, tomatoes, lemongrass, galangal and kaffir lime leaves. Usually loaded with coconut milk and cream, the hearty soup unifies a host of favorite Thai tastes: sour, salty, spicy and sweet. Best of all is the price: cheap.
Nasi Goreng2. More rice -- a common factor in many of these dishes.

3. Sushi, Japan 

When Japan wants to build something right, it builds it really right. Brand giants such as Toyota, Nintendo, Sony, Nikon and Yamaha may have been created by people fueled by nothing more complicated than raw fish and rice, but it’s how the fish and rice is put together that makes this a global first-date favorite.
This perfect marriage between raw fish and rice has easily kept sushi in the top five. And like one reader, Nymayor, wrote, "Now to be fair, DELICIOUS can be simple."
The Japanese don’t live practically forever for no reason -- they want to keep eating this stuff.
 Also: How to eat sushi properly
1. 렌당, 인도네시아

2. Nasi goreng, Indonesia 

"I like rendang and nasi goreng, two of most popular food in Indonesia!" Reader Rizky Ramadhika's got it. And thousands of other voters agreed.
The wonder of combining rice with egg, chicken and prawns strikes again. The second fried rice to make the list, this Indonesian delight received more than 10 times the vote of its Thai counterpart (see #23), propelling the former from non-runner to runner-up.
rendang Indonesia1. No. 1 as voted by you.

1. Rendang, Indonesia 

Reader Kamal F Chaniago showed great foresight when he wrote, "Rendang is the best." A clear winner with a loyal following, this beefy dish can now rightfully claim the title of "World's Most Delicious Food."
Beef is slowly simmered with coconut milk and a mixture of lemongrass, galangal, garlic, turmeric, ginger and chilies, then left to stew for a few hours to create this dish of tender, flavorful bovine goodness.
The Indonesian dish is often served at ceremonial occasions and to honored guests. It's not only delicious but also comes with a simple recipe. If you haven't already, go ahead and take reader Isabela Desita's advice: "Rendang should be the first! It's really nice, you should try!"
Also on CNNGo: 40 of Indonesia's best foods

40 of Indonesia's best dishes

Also on CNNGo: World’s 50 most delicious foods
SambalThe king of condiments -- a foodstuff all to itself.

1. Sambal

While technically more of a condiment, the chili-based sauce known as sambal is a staple at all Indonesian tables.
Dishes are not complete unless they have a hearty dollop of the stuff, a combination of chilies, sharp fermented shrimp paste, tangy lime juice, sugar and salt all pounded up with mortar and pestle.
So beloved is sambal, some restaurants have made it their main attraction, with options that include young mango, mushroom and durian.
Try the sambal at Pedas Abis (Waroeng Spesial Sambal; Jl.RM.Said No.39 Solo) or fresh sambal mata at Le Seminyak (Pacific Place, level 5; +62 (0)21 5140 0610)
SateMost underrated part of great satay? The stick.

2. Satay

These tasty meat skewers cook up over coals so hot they need fans to waft the smoke away.
Whether it’s chicken, goat, mutton or rabbit, the scrappy morsels get marinated in turmeric, barbecued and then bathed in a hearty dose of peanut sauce.
Other nations now lay claim to sate, but Indonesians consider it a national dish conceived by street vendors and popularized by Arab traders.
Each vendor seeks distinction, but "sate madura" –- served with rice cakes (ketupat) and diced cucumber and onion -– is distinguished by its boat-shaped street carts.
For legendary satay that dates to the 1950s, try Sate Ragusa (Jl. Veteran 1 No. 10) and cleanse the palate after with Ragusa’s signature spaghetti ice cream.
BaksoWe're not always sure what's in it, but we're always sure we'll want more.

3. Bakso

A favorite among students, this savory meatball noodle soup gained international fame when U.S. President Barack Obama remembered it as one of his favorites during a visit to Jakarta last November.
It takes on many forms; meatballs –- springy or rubbery, the size of golf balls or bigger -– are made from chicken, beef, pork or some amorphous combination of them all. Sold mostly from pushcarts called kaki lima, bakso comes garnished with fried shallots, boiled egg and wontons.
For an authentic experience, grab a plastic stool near any sidewalk bakso stand or slurp away indoors at Bakso Lapangan Tembak Senayan, near Senayan City Mall.
SotoStreet comfort food.

4. Soto

This traditional meat soup comprises a broth and ingredients that vary across the archipelago.
Common street versions are made of a simple, clear soup flavored with chicken, goat or beef. In Jakarta, home of the indigenous Betawi, soto Betawi garners fame with its sweet, creamy, coconut-milk base.
Top it with crispy shallots and fried garlic, and as much or little sambal as your taste buds can take.
For stylish street food in air-conditioned bliss hit up Kafe Betawi (Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1, Grand Indonesia; +62 (0)21 2358 0501). Or for an East Javanese version, try Soto Madura (Jl. Juanda No.16).
Also on CNNGo: 40 Thai foods we can't live without

Nasi gorengIf you think this one should be the top pick, you're not alone.

5. Nasi goreng

Considered Indonesia’s national dish, this take on Asian fried rice is often made with sweet, thick soy sauce called kecap (pronounced ketchup) and garnished with acar, pickled cucumber and carrots.
To add an element of fun to your dining experience, try nasi gila (literally :crazy rice") and see how many different kinds of meat you can find buried among the grains –- yes, those are hot dog slices.
For a perfect oil-slicked entrée head to Menteng Plaza (Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto), where a gaggle of kaki limas and buskers provide entertainment.
Gado-gadoA favorite mix of taste and healthy ingredients.

6. Gado-gado

Literally “mix-mix,” the term gado-gado is often used to describe situations that are all mixed up -– Jakarta, for instance, is a gado-gado city.
As a food, however, it is one of Indonesia’s best-known dishes, essentially a vegetable salad bathed in the country’s classic peanut sauce.
At its base are boiled long beans, spinach, potato, corn, egg and bean sprouts coupled with cucumber, tofu and tempe.
Gado-gado gets sweeter as you travel eastward through Indonesia -- but Jakartans swear by the cashew sauce at Gado-Gado Boplo (Jalan Panglima Polim 4; +62 (0)21 724 8334).
Nasi udukBecause who doesn't love rice topped with melinjo nut crackers?

7. Nasi uduk

A perennial favorite among native Betawi, the meal revolves around rice cooked in coconut milk and includes a pinwheel of various meat and vegetable accoutrements.
It almost always includes fried chicken, boiled eggs and tempe(soybean cake) with anchovies and is topped with emping (melinjo nut crackers).
It’s cheap, fast and popular among lunchtime crowds.
Nearly four decades old and still going strong Nasi Uduk Babe Saman (Kebon Kacang 9; +62 (0)21 314 1842) packs in everyone from students to celebrities morning, noon and night.
Nasi padangBack off, Singapore. This one is ours.

8. Nasi padang

Singaporeans may say they can’t live without it, but nasi padang, named after its birth city in Sumatra, is 100 percent Indonesian.
Chose from among more than a dozen dishes -- goopy curries with floating fish heads or rubbery cow’s feet -- stacked up on your table. “It always looks sodead,” a friend once said.
Indeed, otak (brain) leaves little to the imagination. Chuck away the cutlery and dig in with your hands then wash the spice away with a sweet iced tea.
Try out any Sederhana or head for Garuda Nasi Padang; Jl. Gajah Mada, Medan, Sumatra.
Also on CNNGo: 40 Hong Kong foods we can't live without

Ayam gorengIFC could be a worthy rival for KFC.

9. Ayam goreng

The key to Indonesian fried chicken is the use of small village birds, whose freedom to run around the yard makes them tastier than the big chunks of meat at KFC.
Variations on that chain have cropped up across the country -- rumor has it that Wong Solo was founded by a polygamist, so franchisees must have multiple wives.
For a famed old recipe try Ayam Goreng Nyona Suharti (Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 13; +62 (0)21 525 4595).
Bakmie gorengCarb load, Indonesian style.

10. Bakmie goreng

Noodles compete with rice for carbohydrate of choice in Indonesia, ranging from broad and flat (kwetiau) to scrawny vermicelli (bihun).
The best are bakmie -- pencil-thin and, in this case, fried with egg, meat and vegetables. Vendors add their own special spices for distinction, but the iconic Bakmie Gajah Mada garners a cult following.
More modern outlets now make noodles from spinach and beets.
Bakmie Gang Mangga (Jl. Kemurnian IV/0) gives diners an in to the cool hangouts in the old city, but only after 5 p.m. For an earlier version, try Bakmie GM on Jl. Sunda No.9 (+62 021 390 3018).
GudegThe greatest fruit stew in the world.

11. Gudeg

Fit for a sultan it may not be, but gudeg is certainly the signature of the royal city of Yogyakarta. The sweet jackfruit stew is boiled for hours in coconut milk and palm sugar, making the fruit so soft and tender it falls apart with little chewing.
Other spices are thrown into the mix but teak leaves give it a brown coloring. Like nasi uduk, it is served with rice, boiled egg, chicken and crispy, fried beef skin.
Adem Ayem (Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 342) in Solo is a landmark, and for good reason.
RawonDark soup. Colorful past.

12. Rawon

A beef stew from East Java that goes heavy on the keluak nut to give it a nutty flavor and a deep, black color.
The soup base also mingles with garlic, shallots, ginger, turmeric and red chili to make it nice and spicy.
The most famous variant, Rawon Setan (literally Devil’s soup) is found in Surabaya (Jl. Embong Malang).
Also on CNNGo: 40 Singapore foods we can't live without

Pecel leleThe noble catfish knows no cultural boundaries.

13. Pecel lele

The sight of fried catfish may surprise first-time diners since it looks almost the same as it does living -- eyeballs and all.
Served with rice and red and green sambal, this is simple street fare that fills the belly, which may be why it’s a standout across Jakarta.
If you want to go native, head to Bakmie GM near Sarinah Mall and look for the “Pecel Lele” banner that shields diners from the street as they dig into the sweet, grilled meat.
Opor ayamA Ramadan necessity.

14. Opor ayam

Small diners, called warungs, now sell this traditional dish of braised chicken in coconut milk on a daily basis. Still, it remains a staple on tables around the end of Ramadan, when it’s served with packed rice cakes (ketupat).
A little like a mild, slightly chalky curry with less prep time required, it’s filled with Indonesia’s signature spices -- garlic, ginger, cumin and coriander.
To see how mom makes it, check out Ibu Endang Warung (Jl. Cipete Raya opposite Epilogue).
Mie ayamIn search of the perfect noodle dish? Stop here.

15. Mie ayam

For this dish, bakmie is boiled in stock and topped with succulent slices of gravy-braised chicken.
Chives and sambal add extra flavor -- but if it’s done right little else is needed. Unlike most Indonesian cuisine, where the secret is in the sauce, the clue to a good mie ayam is the perfect al dente noodle.
Bakmie Orpha (Jl. Malaka II No. 25; +62(0)21 691 2450), a hole in the wall in west Jakarta, draws Ferrari-owning clientele for its deceivingly tasty mie and wontons.
Babi gulingHe'll look better in a few hours.

16. Babi guling

Pork is uncommon in this Muslim majority nation, but we had to include roast suckling pig given the near hysteria it generates on the Hindu island of Bali.
The Balinese respect their food and lavish attention on its preparation. Before spit-roasting the pig they bath it in coconut water and rub it with chili, turmeric, garlic and ginger to ensure succulence.
See why people fly from Jakarta to scarf the crispy skinned pork at Warung Ibu Oka (Jl Suweta, Ubud), but be sure to get there before 3 p.m.
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GulaiGulai comes in many styles. We prefer yellow.

17. Gulai

Gulai is the common name for curry dishes, namely those from north Sumatra.
Indonesian curries have regional variations that depend on the types of meat and fish available -- though gulai almost always incorporates cinnamon. Opor and rendang can be considered gulais, but better to try out the rainbow of other options.
For a tangy fish-head curry, try Pagi-Sore, a national franchise that hails from Sumatra (Jl. Pondok No. 143, Padang).
Bubur ayamConsensus builder.

18. Bubur ayam

From blue-collar workers to government ministers, almost everyone starts their day with this rice gruel, a savory porridge served with soy sauce, fried shallots, shredded chicken, beans and crackers.
Outside Java variations can include corn, cassava and fish, while a sweeter version -- for those who prefer not to start their day with a blast of chili -- is made with mung beans.
Bubur ayam is also popular in the wee hours of the morning. Join the late-night revelers at Bubur Ayam Mang Oyo, Jl. Sulanjana (near Gasibu), Bandung.
BakpaoThe best thing about rush hour.

19. Bakpao

Jakarta gridlock may be a blessing for the bakpao market.
Vendors often line busy roads during rush hour to offer these fluffy meat-filled buns to hungry passersby in need of a snack. Sweet offerings include chocolate and green bean, indicated by a colored dot on top.
No need to go in search of them, they’ll find you.
Asinan sayurOld spice. Fresh taste.

20. Asinan sayur

When palates crave the opposite of Javanese sweetness, this pickled vegetable salad offers reprieve.
The secret is in the dressing, a thin peanut sauce swirled with palm sugar to offset the salty snap of preserved mustard leaf, carrot, cabbage and cucumber. The krupuk cracker crunch comes from a yellow disc made with egg noodles.
Yaya has been serving up bowls of Asinan for 22 years outside the iconic Ragusa Ice Cream shop (Jl. Veteran 1 No. 10.) He also makes a mean dried-squid salad called juhi.
Cah kangkungYou will eat your river weed and you will like it. Seriously.

21. Cah kangkung

Otherwise known as water spinach, a common river weed, kangkung gets stir fried with sweet soybean sauce, huge slices of garlic, bird’s-eye chili and shrimp paste to take it from a poor man’s food to something with a kick.
Because it grows well in any kind of soil, it is a common ingredient in dishes throughout Asia. Here the cah indicates its Chinese origins.
Try it along with gurame at Santika, Jl. Bendungan Hilir across from the market.
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Pepes ikanYou can get your tuna out of a can -- or you can eat it the right way.

22. Pepes ikan

Pepes signifies the steaming of food in banana leaves, which gives it an earthy flavor that works well with the rich Manadonese spices (woku) it’s coupled with.
When matched with tuna the result is a dense, fiery dish that holds its distinct flavors, but should be eaten gingerly.
Beautika (Jl. Hang Lekir No. 1; +62 (0)21 722 6683) does it best by dousing it in chili and placing pepper icons on the menu – the three-pepper maximum has serious attitude.
PempekDouse it in vinegar, chili and sugar sauce, and it'll get eaten.

23. Pempek

According to lore, the name pempek refers to the old Chinese man who first produced these fish and tapioca cakes from Palembang in South Sumatra.
Now a Palembang specialty, pempek or empek-empek comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.
The most famed, kapal selam, literally submarine, contains a chicken egg and is rumored to be the most nutritious form of the spongy dough balls, which are sprinkled with shrimp powder and served withcuka, a dark dipping sauce made from vinegar, chili and sugar.
Try Pempek Wak Ayah Lemak at Kebon Sirih, Palembang.
PerkadelNever judge a perkadel by its cover.

24. Perkadel

So simple it’s often overlooked, Perkadel’s unassuming appearance belies its flavorful punch.
A distant relative of Dutch minced-meat frikandel, these croquettes are either potato based and filled with beef or made from corn (perkadel jagung).
In Bandung, crowds line up late night in seedy alleyways to snack on potato fritters made soft from frying in hot oil.
For a fluffier version filled with Balinese spices try Le Semenyak (Pacific Place, level 5; +62 (0)21 5140 0610).
MartabakYou can make it without lard. But why bother?

25. Martabak

Think of a spongy, thick crepe made with 10 times the lard and you’ll be somewhat close to imaging martabak.
The sweet version looks more like a pancake filled with gooey chocolate, peanuts or cheese, while the savory one is made from crispy pulled pastry like filo that is flattened in a wok as egg and minced meats are rapidly folded in.
Served with pickled cucumber and a sweet and sour vinegar.
Martabak Ayah; Jl TWK Mohd Daudsyah, Banda Aceh.
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Sayur asemFrom West Java with love -- as well as melinjo, bilimbi and chayote.

26. Sayur asem

This clear, refreshing soup derived from tamarind pairs well with fried food since it’s stocked with vegetables and some of Indonesia’s most interesting ingredients: melinjo, bilimbi, chayote.
A very close relative called sayur lodeh is made with coconut milk and has a sweeter flavor.
Counterintuitively, this West Javanese dish is great at Warung Surabaya (Jl. DR. Abdul Rachman Saleh).
Sop buntutA little bit of Australia sometimes finds its way into the bowl.

27. Sop buntut

Revitalized by the chef at Hotel Borabodor in 1973 after a food and beverage staffer saw a government minister eating a bowl on the street, oxtail soup is loved by Indonesians from all classes.
The high-end version -- now the domain of Indonesia’s diplomatic corps -- uses imported Australian beef, 7,000 kilograms a month to be precise, and comes complete with steamed rice, pickles, lime and sambal.
For a less pretentious outlet, try Sop Buntut Bogor Café (Pacific Place Mall, level 5; +62 (0)21 5797 3238).
KetoprakNot theatrical, but dramatic nonetheless.

28. Ketoprak

Not to be confused with the theatrical drama of the same name that re-enacts Javanese legends, this Ketoprak is made from vermicelli, tofu, packed rice cake and bean sprouts.
It rounds out the quintet of pestle-and-mortar-based dishes that include gado-gado and pecel, and is a simple street dish that tastes mostly of peanuts and spice but is chockfull of carbohydrates.
Any street vendor will do, but to stave off a funny tummy try Gado-Gado Kartika (Jl. Pinang Emas III; +62 (0)21 750 8846).
Balado terongIf it's red, you'll eat it. Think about it.

29. Balado terong

The color of this dish is enough to set taste buds going.
Nothing more than grilled purple eggplant topped with heaps of chili sauce made from dried shrimp paste (balacan), it calls for a substantial portion of rice to even out the fire-engine flavor.
Enjoy the low-light ambiance at Seribu Rasa (Jl. Haji Agus Salim 128; +62 (0)21 392 8892), which delights in the use of balacan.
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Lontong sayurA crunchy start to the day.

30. Lontong sayur

Boiled for hours in coconut leaf casings,the glutinous packed rice cake known as lontong is one of the best vehicles for pairing with thick peanut sauces and curries.
It serves as the base for this savory morning favorite, a coconut-milk curry made with young papaya, soy-braised tofu and hard-boiled eggs.
Crushed up krupuk add a little crunch to get you going.
Pak Sule draws a crowd to his street stand outside the ANZ building on Jl. Gatot Subroto before 10 a.m.
RendangDon't try this at home.

31. Rendang

Perhaps Padang’s most famed curry, rendang is not an everyday food since it takes time and skill to make.
Its secret is in the gravy, which wraps around the beef for hours until, ideally, it’s splendidly tender.
A dried version, which can be kept for months (like jerky) is reserved for honored guests and important celebrations.
If you stop by Sederhana (Jl. Gandaria Tengah III No. 23; +62 (0)21 725 0172) for Padang, you can’t let this plate pass you by.
Tahu gerjrotReason number 467 to love tofu.

32. Tahu gerjrot

These clouds of golden, fried tofu look like little packages behind the windows of the boxes from which they are sold.
Tofu is a poor man’s snack, but that also makes it prevalent. Keep an eye out for the vendors who cart stacks of the fluffy fried tofufrom devices slung across their shoulders.
For a version steeped in sweet soy sauce and chili and served in a pestle and mortar, head to Menteng Plaza (Jl. HOS Cokrominoto).
Sop kambingPairs well with Norway.

33. Sop kambing

If Indonesia ever got cold enough to necessitate a winter stew sop kambing would be even more popular.
A robust soup with a yellow broth full of celery, tomato, and great chunks of goat meat, this dish could make the Campbell’s soup man quiver. Be warned if you have high blood pressure since the dish will heat you up.
Ginger, lime leaf, candlenut and spring onion give it peppery smell that adds to its refreshingly earthy flavor.
Try Sop Kaki Kambing (Jl. Kendal) nestled in among a stretch of roadside eateries.
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SiomayFor bicycle vendors, it's bread and butter.

34. Siomay

Think of it as Indonesia’s version of dim sum -- traditional steamed fish dumplings known in China as shaomai.
A complete portion comes with a steamed potato, cabbage, egg, and bitter gourd, and is served with a boiled peanut sauce similar to gado-gado.
Perhaps Indonesia’s most ubiquitous traveling street food, the best way to dine on siomay is from a bicycle vendor, who carts his large steamer around on the back of his bike.
For the less health-inclined, an alternative to siomay is batagor, which is fried instead of steamed.
Siomay Pak Lili at Jl. Geger Kalong Girang, Bandung.
Ikan bakarThe best things in life are the simplest.

35. Ikan bakar

Grilled fish, plain and simple. But in a country with more than 17,000 islands, fish is bound to feature prominently.
While squid and prawns have a place in Indonesian cuisine, ikan bakar gets a far better showing for a fleshy texture that is great for dipping.
It is usually marinated in the typical trove of spices and served with a soy and chili-based sauce.
Try the gurame, a Sundanese star, at Ikan Bakar Cianjur (Jl. Cipete Raya No. 35; +62 (0)21 7590 0222).
Papaya leafThe all-purpose papaya comes through again.

36. Daun papaya

Papaya is one of the fastest growing trees in Southeast Asia, and its bitter leaves are great for sautéing.
This dish is common in Manado, but regional variations have made it popular among the leaf-and-seed-eating crowd, a big bunch in Indonesia.
For a crisp version head to Bumbu Desa (Jl. Suryo No. 38; +62 (0)21 720 1244).
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Otak otakSo good, you'll customize your forks for it.

37. Otak-otak

Another famed fish cake from Palembang, otak-otak has a more charming appearance, since it’s wrapped in banana leaves before being grilled over charcoal.
Indigenous Sumatrans eat it with red chili mixed with fermented soy sauce, but in Jakarta it is served with Java’s ubiquitous peanut sauce.
Pick a few small parcels up from any bicycle vendor, or dine in style at Harum Manis (Jl. Mas Mansyur No. 26; +62 (0)21 5794 1727), where the delicate fish flavor goes down well with Indonesian-styled ice cream.
Bebek gorengTricky to prepare. Easy to eat.

38. Bebek goreng

Ducks are common companions to rice fields around Indonesia, but they can be difficult to prepare for consumption.
Too often fried duck comes as a mass of tiny bones and overly fried oily meat. That doesn’t make it any less worthy of the top 40, though.
At the dramatic Dapur Babah (Jl. Veteran no. 18-19, Jakarta; +62 (0)21 385 5653), duck comes marinated in galangal sauce and topped with shredded ginger.
For a less fussy version, check out Bebek Bengil (Jl. Hanoman, Bali; +62 (0)361 975 489).
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GorenganFry it, and they will come.

39. Gorengan

Literally “fried foods,”gorengan are the most prolific snacks in all of Indonesia.
Street carts typically offer crispy golden nuggets of tempe, cassava and tofu, as well as fried bananas, sweet potatoes, vegetables fritters made from shredded carrot, cabbage and bean sprouts and fermented soybean cakes.
Stop by any kaki lima and walk away with an oil-stained news-wrapping topped with a handful of green chili.
IndomieThe reason they invented "to go."

40. Indomie

If you had to name one food Indonesians couldn’t live without, it would have to be one that is easy to transport, since they’re often on the go.
That makes instant-noodle Indomie beloved by all. Sold at grocery stores, village mom and pop shops and even from the basket of bicycles, Indomie calls for nothing more than hot water and a packet of chemical-induced flavoring before it’s ready to fill one’s tummy.
Found: everywhere. Taste: unforgettable

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